So here's a funny thing. All my life, I've been a reader. Specifically, I've been reading fantasy, science fiction and horror — that spec fic corner of the universe is where I grew up, basically. Like, I was reading Michael Moorcock when I was about 12 (I liked the Dorian Hawkmoon books); they were my mother's, and I was allowed to read pretty much anything as long as I looked up any words that I understand rather than asking adults. It's okay, I did also read a lot of more kid-appropriate stuff too.
But somehow I missed out on getting into Terry Pratchett and then, at some stage, you just look at the list of 50-odd books and it all just seems too much to take in, you know? I missed the boat, that's it, I'll read other things.
Don't get me wrong, I did read a couple of things: my now-husband gave me a copy of The Last Hero, I listened to an audiobook of Jingo, I read The Colour of Magic (honestly, not the best starting point)...but there's a lot of Discworld still untouched.
So here we are in the year of oh god 2025, and I'm starting The Pratchett Project, to read all of the Discworld novels. I'll include the YA ones, may or may not include the Science books, and I'll see how many of the short stories I can lay my hands on. My guide through all this will be this bad boy:
3 March: I'm on to Men at Arms and, goddamn it Pratchett, will you stop being prescient, please?
24 February: I've done with the Death series and have moved onto the City Watch. In an effort to keep timelines straight in my head (because I'm reading by sub-series, not by publication order), I've been checking in on a useful timeline now and then.
14 February: three out of four done for the death series, and I think Soul Music may have the most puns per square inch of any of the books I've read so far. I'm planning on going for the Watch novels after I've finished Hogfather.
7 February: Waiting for Soul Music to come into the library. I have Hogfather, but I'm going to go in order. Should only be a day or two before Soul Music arrives.
2 February: Reading Reaper Man after finishing Mort (link to the review below). I'm struck very strongly by the conversational similarity between the Unseen University wizards and Them (Adam, Pepper, Wensleydale and Brian) from Good Omens.
30 January: I've started at Mort, mostly because the library didn't have Guards! Guards! in. From here...who knows. I'll work my way through, and link to reviews here, as well as from the Books page.
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